Happy New Year! 2020 was a wonderful year (yes, you read that right!) I chose the word wonderful as 2020 taught us so much. It taught us to slow down, let go, accept the unacceptable and we learned to love more deeply. With that said, let’s chat about meditation and how you can incorporate it into 2021! Bonus, adding meditation to a daily routine isn’t difficult.

I firmly believe that it is time to connect with ourselves on a deeper level, to grow and learn beyond what we think we are capable of, to strengthen our mind, to balance our bodies and connect with our soul & spirit. And to do all of this, adding meditation is a good start.

Meditation does not need to be complicated. At all. You don’t need to memorize anything, and you certainly cannot do it wrong. All you are doing is clearing your mind and body of any negative thoughts, patterns, emotions and connecting with your true self. And to do this, you just simply need to sit down for a hot minute.

Here is an image you can save to get you started and then continue reading about this simple way to meditate and why meditation is good for the mind, the body and the soul.

A simple way to add meditation to your daily routine

A Simple Way to Meditate

Step1. Sit Down.

There, you are halfway there! Seriously, all it takes is a minute or 2, you work your way towards the deeper and longer sessions, don’t expect to do that right away, if at all!

To get started, get comfy!

This means sitting on the couch with a blanket. You don’t need to be all rigid and uncomfortable as this won’t help you get started, just be mindful to keep your spine straight.

Sitting cross legged is an option and there are actually reasons behind sitting in the “pose” you see all over the land of Google, for now let’s just sit with a straight back. Some people simply cannot sit cross legged, so don’t worry about it. You can choose to sit on a chair, or on the floor on a cushion or on the couch. However you sit, keep in mind to keep a straight spine.

If you can sit cross legged, do so with your hands resting on your knees. Palms up to receive energy and palms down to send the energy through your body. Personally, I sit with palms down on my knees as I also incorporate reiki energies and self healing (a topic for another day).

Play music if you wish, be careful as to what kind of music as it really does matter. Sometimes, silence is best.

Settle In

Our minds tend to wander the second we sit down or even think about meditation. The grocery list gets made, the to-do list gets longer, etc. And all of that is perfectly fine! When you get settled in and the thoughts begin to wonder, acknowledge them and let them go. Yes, it sounds easy but this is sometimes the most difficult thing to do. If it helps, paint a picture in your mind, maybe of a tree. Picture the tree when the thoughts come in. Eventually, you will learn to simply let the thoughts go and connect to the silence.


Breathe normally. And by this, I mean breathe at a normal pace like you would any other time. If you can, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth. Try it now… in through the nose and out through the mouth. The purpose is to focus on the breath, as putting focus on the breath is what carries you into the relaxation of state of meditation.

Become Aware

With every breath, sink a little deeper into relax mode. Breathe in the good, breathe out what no longer serves you. Feel your lungs filling with joy and feel the release of the outward breath. Feel you mind expanding and feel your body get lighter as you release the things you no longer need. When the to-do list pops back up (because it will) breathe in, and breathe out. You’ll get to all of the things to-do later.

Enjoy the moment

If 2020 taught us anything, it is to enjoy the moment. So, allow yourself this minute or 2 to connect with yourself, with your soul and with your true purpose. Allow your mind to clear, allow your body to be balanced and feel lighter, allow your spirit to soar and allow your soul to find purpose. These are all wonderful things that a simply minute of stopping the noise can bring you.

A simple meditation is all you need

There is tons of information out there in regards to the benefits of meditation, and this isn’t the article to get into the science. This is the blog post to keep it simple for you. All you need to know for now is this, with daily meditation you start to feel better.

  • You feel more grounded.
  • Your body starts to feel balanced.
  • You’re able to feel focused.
  • You feel more optimistic.
  • You feel more organized.
  • Your energy levels increase.
  • You feel a sense of calm.
  • Your life beings to feel less stress.
  • You start to feel more like you.

By adding a 1 or 2 minute meditation into your daily routine, your mind body, soul and spirit will benefit greatly. Do a simple meditation in the morning while having your morning coffee. Do it at night before you start watching TV. Grab the family and sit down together in mediation. Have fun with it and find out what works for you.

Reading Recommendations

If you are just starting out, may I recommend to you the following books from Chapters Indigo?

For ADULTS (you know I had to throw this one in there!)

Meditation For Dummies, with Audio CD


Just Breathe: Meditation, Mindfulness, Movement, And More


Meditations And Affirmations: 64 Cards To Awaken Your Spirit

Be sure to also check out OUR SHOP.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading this post! Be sure to see past posts that may interest you on a variety of topics. If you have an idea, comment or words of wisdom be sure to leave a comment and, if you wish, sign up for our weekly newsletter. Sending much Love & Light your way.

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