One sure way to stay on track with your new Yoga routine is by taking part in Yoga Challenges!
Yoga Challenges
They are great to get involved with. I try to continuously be a part of a challenge to keep myself accountable. Even though I have a regular fitness routine, I find challenges FUN and I LOVE the community of them. Through yoga challenges, you meet great like-minded individuals which will help you expand your practice even more. These challenges can be found anywhere on Facebook, Instagram. YouTube and Google.

Right now I am taking part in the #DoYouShred challenge with Do You Yoga! You’ll find the tags to this challenge in my Instagram and Facebook accounts. I am now 3 days in and loving this as much as I have the rest I’ve taken part in.
What is a Yoga Challenge?
A Yoga challenge, when designed well, will give you a different pose each day in a sequence of any given amount of days. As part of the daily pose, a host of the challenge generally gives great pointers on how to properly position yourself in each pose. Through these challenges, you gain knowledge, confidence, strength and will make you feel more comfortable in your yoga practice.
In short, they are awesome! You learn new poses, meet new people, grow your knowledge. There’s not much to love here. Most of us practice at home, so you’re going to meet real people and see real photo’s like me and my 1970 living room studio! We are all on this yoga journey together, you are never alone. Even if you’ve never touched a yoga mat, get a towel and join in on a challenge! You will be inspired.
One point I will mention though… like I said, there are many challenges out there. Find one that suits your practice or one that you feel comfortable with. Don’t get in over your head and do poses that hurt, keep it real to your level. Standing on your head or getting yourself into a pretzel like pose hat you can’t get out of won’t help you grow, it’ll make you frustrated. So go, join a yoga challenge and have some FUN!

Great article.
Yoga is definitely something I could get involved in as I am pretty unfit at the moment and need to lose a bit of weight.
I’ve heard it’s also very good for the mindset and in helping you become more focused in life. So I think it’s something I will take up along with hitting the gym.
Thanks for sharing and all the best,
Hello Tom. yoga is amazing for not only the body, but the mind as well. It is all encompassing with mind, body and spirit. I am pleased to hear you are going to be making healthy choices by hitting the gym! Along with yoga I enjoy swimming and weight lifting as well, how is your exercise routine coming along?