Fitness Lifestlye; What’s your definition?

There are so many variables on what fitness is and everyone’s definition is different. Mine is living well and having fun. To me, fitness is a lifestyle, not just a moment of sweat.

I believe that if it’s just a moment of sweat, we forget why we went through that sweat in the first place. And if we eat like crap afterwards or stop moving other than that sweaty hour or so, then what good is it doing? Some believe that they can do whatever they can, workout for an hour and call it good. There are some that can get away with that. I, however, cannot!

Swimming for fitness
My Fitness goal; becoming a lifeguard.

Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE pizza, chocolate, and wine. I do not deny myself any of these things, I just enjoy it all in moderation. Diets and I have never worked. My personal belief is that a diet will only work if it becomes a permanent lifestyle. Same goes for staying fit. It’s an all in lifestyle. This doesn’t mean you need to be training for a marathon, although it doesn’t hurt to have a goal while working towards your fitness lifestyle.

What does my fitness lifestyle look like?

It starts with a big glass of water and a Yoga Flow in the morning, a half hour practice at most. Then I enjoy breakfast and a cup of coffee (or three). I sit most of the day at work so I am sure to get up every hour or so and do a flight or two of stairs, walk around the building, or go for a swim. Lunch is light and there’s always a snack at 10 and 3. After work is a walk, or another Yoga Flow, then a whole supper followed by a glass of wine to wind down the day.

Triathlon Training
Triathlon 2013

There was a day that I would be training HARD for a triathlon or a 10k, but these days I am training to become a Lifeguard (at 37!). So most of my day is focused on what will make me stronger in the water. Having a goal does help in maintaining a fit lifestyle. Yoga has always been an important part of whatever I am training for, it build strength and keeps the body flexible.

Most likeley your fitness routines will change up, and be open to that. Your schedules change, maybe a career change forces a different routine. It’s all good. Just keep moving towards your idea of a fitness lifestyle.

Choose your fitness routine and fill it with whatever you want to! Walking, running, swimming, yoga. Whatever you choose to you get into, listen to your body! If it feels good, then keep it up. If you hate doing it, find something else to do. Making a lifestyle that is good for you, should be FUN or you’re more likely not to make it a lifestyle at all.



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