After many, many years on the mat, I still look for inspiration because, Yoga Block. It’s a thing! So how can you stay inspired with your yoga practice? It’s infinite where we can find inspiration. Between Social Media, YouTube and the web, there’s inspiration everywhere, don’t just scroll past, go for it, give it a try!

How to stay inspired with your yoga practice

Staying motivated and inspired on the mat isn’t always easy. It takes consistency, a bit of drive and a dash of inspiration from others. So, how can we stay inspired? Where can we find inspiration and keep the yoga flame alive? Well, there is a world of information out there. So what works and what doesn’t? That takes practice. You’ll find what sticks, what works and what doesn’t.

A yoga practice is exactly that, a practice. Yoga is to be lived, loved and to be enjoyed. Even if you only have 10 minutes, it is still a practice, and your mind & body will thank you for it.

Have fun exploring. Try new flows! Try new poses and find what works for you. Roll out the mat and feel what you might today. That’s the biggest inspirational tip of all, just roll out the mat and flow with it! Start with a cat/cow combination to get the blood moving if you’re not into starting with a meditation.

When you’re looking online for inspo, may I suggest you add Alo Moves to your list of go-to’s?

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There are over 2500 classes on the Alo Moves Online Studio and there are 70+ instructors that are full of inspiration to keep you going. Whether you’ve just found yoga or have been on the mat for a while, you can find something here.

Generally we have our go-to spots to get our information, and here you will find that information and more to stay inspired with your yoga practice. This online studio is one I would suggest to you to add to your inspirational list.

As a yoga teacher, I’m always looking for inspiration. It’s how we keep learning! Even though most of us teachers also have our own channels and practice, we all get our inspiration from somewhere! So why not share how we stay inspired on the mat. This is one of the places that inspires me. And it goes beyond their online studio.

 Explore yoga, fitness, and meditation at!

The blog

Beyond the studio, they have an incredible blog! The education you can find in the blog is unreal. Meditation, movement, mindfulness, yoga tips and tricks, challenges, recipes you name it, it’s here. I encourage you to explore their blog, lots of inspiration to find here too!!

In the end though, it’s more than reading and watching, rolling out that mat is all about connecting with yourself. Mind. Body. Spirit.

Explore yoga, fitness, and meditation at!

Roll out the mat and hit play.

All this inspiration is only good if you put it to use. Roll out the mat and hit play. Grab a coffee and read an article, perhaps taking a break in your coffee break to try something that inspired you through an article.

Movement is therapy. That’s my motto anyway. You can move through tough times, happy times, low times, good times and bad times. When you add movement, you connect with yourself. And science shows that when we move, we do in fact feel better.

Having a low day? Roll out the mat and just sit. Just sit and feel your body, your emotions. Work through them this way, perhaps you start moving, perhaps you just sit. Either way, your mind and body will benefit from simply rolling out the mat.

It’s that initial move towards the mat that starts it all. So if you’re looking at it now, roll it out!

 Explore yoga, fitness, and meditation at!

Thank you.

I am grateful to you. With hope you’ve enjoyed this post, please be sure to check my other posts as well. And remember to check out my Partners Page as without them this blog wouldn’t exist. When shopping with any of my blog partners I may receive a small percentage as a commission, so every time you support them through the links in this blog, you support me as well and for this I truly thank you.


Take a moment to breathe… Have a wonderful day!!

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