Happy New Year!
I know we’re almost a week in, but it’s my first post since taking a holidays break! And a new post on a Thursday instead of a Wednesday… what is going on?!?! Well, we are slowing it down people and focusing on simplifying life a bit. Taking the pressure off and having a bit more fun!
So now, it’s January 6th and yup, it’s the time where New Years Resolutions kind of fizz out or we start to get disappointed with the lack of progress with them… that’s why this year I decided on no resolutions and instead to keep on going in the same groove one day at a time.
New year, Same me
I like it. I read it over the holidays and for some reason it struck home. Too much emphasis is put on the other saying “New Year, New Me”. Let’s take it back to being happy with ourselves, with where we are right at this moment and not worry too much about the whole “New Me” pressure.
Why must we feel obligated to give ourselves ridiculous goals or far out resolutions, when in fact, we are doing just dandy the way we are. Unless of course you want to aim for those big goals and in which case, good for you!! I am in your corner rooting for ya!
With the chaos that keeps churning all around us, this year, let’s live a little more simple. Let’s laugh a lot, live more, take time to talk to our friends and family, cook more, bake more, get outside more and just be. Be happy in the moment. Be happy within ourselves. Let’s live more simply.
I think this is going to be the word of the year, Simple. Live more simply, or live simple. Slow it down. A simpler way of living.
When we think of living simply, what are your thoughts? Do you go to material as in declutter, having less, or do you go to moments, memories. Personally, I think I’m a blend of both but with each passing day, leaning more towards the moments.
Time goes fast enough! We seem to be wrapped up in a million things at one time and then, are we really enjoying this moment or just living for the next? Often times I find myself thinking “enjoy this moment right now, soak it in” and I’m so busy thinking that, the moment actually slips by without me enjoying it… do you get what I mean? We are now in such a busy place that we have to remind ourselves to enjoy the moment instead of just enjoying it.
Let’s simplify things.
Slow Down.
Enjoy this moment. Right now. Let go of the stress, let go of anxiety, let go of expectations and learn to truly love and care for ourselves so that in turn, we have more love to share.
Let the light in
A chat with a good friend brought this topic up as I sat in the sun sipping on a cup of tea as we chit chatted the afternoon away. We started pinging ideas and thoughts back and forth as we often do. And this came up… Let the light in… as the sun hit me on the face and I sat soaking it in. Let the light in, let your flame shine, let it burn brightly as it creates light, warmth and good energy within you that will in turn, radiate to others.
Take this time where our hearts are already open from just having spent the holidays with family and friends, and let it guide us through the year. Let’s live more simply with open hearts, add love and light to each day. It’s incredible what this might do for us, to stay in that bright light. To feel that love. Mentally, physically and emotionally. This feeling, this fire can simply brighten the day where darkness may otherwise set in.
Live, Love and be happy
In this moment. In this life. In this body. Close your eyes and take a breath.
It looks good.
With love,

Thank you for reading and feel free to cruise the collection of blogs posts within the site. The winter solstice post had a little free gift hidden in it 😉 be sure to sign up for the weekly newsletter and subscribe to the Yoga with Baukje YouTube channel!