New year, Same me

New year, same me
January 6, 2022 0 Comments 4 tags

Happy New Year! I know we’re almost a week in, but it’s my first post since taking a holidays break! And a new post on a Thursday instead of a

7 Simple Ideas for your Self-Care Routine

January 27, 2021 0 Comments 3 tags

The term Self-Care has taken off this past year. Self-Care while always been essential, it is now even more essential than ever before! Taking care of yourself is important, and

Essential Oils that you need to start with

January 20, 2021 0 Comments 1 tag

From household and beauty DIY to diffusing and aromatherapy, essential oils have taken over the last few years. Thank goodness. Aromatherapy is real y’all! But where do you start? There

Eucalyptus and its many benefits

October 21, 2020 0 Comments 2 tags

I’ve used eucalyptus essential oil for years! I mean years… if there’s a hint of chest congestion, I’ll mix a few drops with a carrier oil and apply to the