I’ve used eucalyptus essential oil for years! I mean years… if there’s a hint of chest congestion, I’ll mix a few drops with a carrier oil and apply to the chest & back. I also use it generally as a room refresher! Here’s a list of many benefits you can enjoy from this wonderful plant.

This is the plant that those cute Koala bears love as it is native to Australia where most species grow as a tree. There are actually more than 500 species of eucalyptus. The species most of us home gardeners will commonly use is known as the globulus or Globe Eucalyptus.

dried eucalyptus plant

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

How to use this wonderful Essential Oil and its list of benefits!

First of all, when using essential oils remember they are super potent, it is recommended to use with care and always try a test spot if using on the skin. Also, dilute it with a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil (my personal favorite) to reduce the essential oil potency and ensure the skin stays hydrated as well. Some essential oils seriously dry the skin and can hurt if applied directly.

There are many benefits, but the reasons I use Eucalyptus applied topically as it can help with:

  • Chest congestion
  • Breathe easier
  • Soothe joint pain

Eucalyptus is also known to help with relaxation, and can even be used as a bug repellant!

How-to apply topically

Add a few drops to a carrier oil listed above and apply to the chest to help aid with breathing easier especially if you are stuffed up. You can also apply this to your stiff joints to ease joint pain. I feel eucalyptus oil should come with a warning label as this stuff can be strong on the nose!

eucalyptus plant

Using eucalyptus in the shower or diffuser

  • Add a few drops into your diffuser as directed
  • Hang full eucalyptus branches or a sachet of dried eucalyptus leaves in the shower and enjoy the scent of eucalyptus in the shower steam.
  • Add a few drops to a steam bowl, reed diffuser or clay diffusers
  • If you have a natural luffa, add a couple of drops of the essential oil to it either use or let the steam of the shower disperse the essential oil
  • PERSONAL TIP: I put a few drops into a glass dish and add the warm shower water to it while I do my thing in the shower. It actually disperses quite nicely with the steam.

Breathe easier, feel chill and enjoy all the benefits of this wonderful plant!

Thank you for reading, be sure to check out all the other blog posts as well. Health & Wellness, Life & Style, Beauty, Home & Garden.

Living well, It’s not a fad, it’s a lifestyle!

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