It is COLD people!! And we knew it was coming. Now is not the time to turn on Netflix, let’s get you up and moving with this no equipment or fancy workout clothes needed mini workout!!
Let’s get through this cold snap with some movement, and then we can get back to the, movies, blankies and comfort food.
Get moving and warm up your body with this min workout.
Save this mini workout for whenever you need it!
- 20 squats
- 20 lunges (alternating legs)
- 20 Front kicks Alternating legs
- Jog in place for 1 min
- 10 Jumping Jacks
- 5 Burpees
- 20 Crunches
Do that TWICE! Or do this once every commercial break. Not everyone has Netflix people, some of us still have commercial breaks lol!!
FEEL the BURN. Now you’re not cold anymore 😉
You’re welcome.
That’s it for today. No lengthy blog post, just a mini workout for ya! Have a great rest of your week!!

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