Social Media Personalities.

Grab a coffee and let’s chat about social media personalities shall we?

Staying Positive vs Being fake
Social Media Personalities; fake vs positive.

I read an article recently about FAKE social media personalities. It inspired me to address this topic. Let’s not confuse fake personalities with good personalities or fake lives with positive influence. In this era of Social Media, blogging and all the rest, it is so easy to live a public life. It is easy to become a social media influencer or an ambassador. Why spread negativity though, don’t we have enough of that in our day to day dealings? I’d like to address this particular topic of social media personalities as fake vs positive.

The definition of a fake person.

The Urban Dictionary describes a fake person as this:

“A fake person is someone who is not genuine and will do whatever it takes to make them-self look good. They will take credit for other’s work or down play the good of others to illuminate oneself. fake people take part in hypocrisy, lies, and will turn on friendship the moment it no longer is a benefit for them. they will change their personality to fit into a certain group.”

There is a difference between fake personalities and good personalities.

Do you follow a bunch of overly perfect people on social media? I sure do. I love their positive messages. But I also know that they too are human and they realistically have their share of drama. they just choose not to show it. and that’s cool with me. I would rather see a good personality being positive and sending positive vibes out there.

We publicly tend to only show the perfect side of life. It’s how we keep things positive. No, our lives are not perfect, we are all human. Does a perfect life even exist? Maybe. I can tell you, my life is far from perfect. That being said, I am not going to show you the negative stuff I go through. We all get enough of that in our own lives and usually it’s all the same struggles we share. It’s why we follow social media personalities and positive influence.

Staying Positive Publicly.
positive social media personalities
positive social media personalities

I will often talk about a fitness or yoga struggles and how to overcome them. My messages tend to only be positive, that doesn’t mean I am fake. One thing I will not do is publicly sit in self pity and wallow about a life problem or issue I am having for all to see. Just know that I, like everyone else have these life issues. I am just not going to share every little thing I struggle with. Some things and emotions are better left to deal with behind the scenes away from the scrutiny of other people.

The drama that follows negative vibes or personal issues is unreal! I find it best not to spread drama, that stuff is bad for you!. Why not spread positive words and images instead.

Share the positive side to a struggle. Acknowledge the struggle and how to beat and overcome it. Share that story instead of the struggle itself. Empower people. Positive Vibes, Positive Mind, Positive Life. Not fake, just positive.

Common Sense Rules.

I am not saying to be naive or hide the fact that we as humans are not perfect. Stay informed and be realistic. All these social media personalities out there are just like you and me. They struggle, they cry, they get mad, they are human. None of us can escape human emotions. It’s just that some social media personalities choose not to share that part of their lives. They would just rather send a positive message.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are some personalities that are positively fake. I just don’t follow those. Why? Because common sense, that’s why. Surround yourself with those that uplift you. In turn, you will uplift others. Simple right?

Follow the positive, be the positive, spread the positive. Acknowledge that you too are human and you are allowed to have bad days. You just don’t need to share ALL of it. Always look on the bright side of life… there’s a song in that…

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