Warrior Pose Variations

The next few days of the May yoga challenge will be the warrior pose variations. We will be going through them one day at a time; Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Warrior 3 and reverse warrior pose. See the chart below for the different variations. I don’t know who to send out the photo credit to, but the pics are awesome!

Warrior Pose Variations
Warrior Pose Variations
Warrior 1 Pose Tips
  • Stand in mountain pose and take a large step back
  • Keep the knee over the ankle
  • Pull up on knee cap of rear leg to straighten
  • Push outer edge of back foot to keep the arch lifted
  • Front heel in line with back arch
  • Squeeze in those buttocks!
  • Brace your core and draw the lower belly into the rib cage
  • Keep the chest lifted
  • Draw the shoulders away from the neck
  • Reach the fingers towards the sky
  • Keep the arms in line with your ears
  • Face forward OR if you can, look up to your finger tips
Warrior 2 Pose Tips
  • Same as Warrior 1, stand in mountain pose and take a large step back
  • Keep the knee over the ankle
  • Pull up on knee cap of rear leg to straighten
  • Push outer edge of back foot to keep the arch lifted
  • Front heel in line with back arch
  • Squeeze in those buttocks!
  • Brace your core and draw the lower belly into the rib cage
  • Keep the chest lifted
  • Bring arms parallel to the body (and the floor)
  • Hug your biceps and triceps to the bone
  • Look forward
Warrior 3 Pose Tips
  • Start in mountain pose and take a large step back
  • I usually start this in Warrior 2 pose; then shift my body weight to the front leg and lifting up the back leg
  • Straighten the front leg
  • Straighten the back leg
  • Keep the arms straight and in line
  • Gaze straight forward
  • Relax the neck
  • Keep the torso parallel to the floor.
Revere Warrior Pose Tips
  • Stand in mountain pose and take a large step back
  • I start this one in Warrior 2 as well
  • From there, bring the rear hand down to the back of the rear leg
  • Bring the front arm up next to your ear.
  • Keeping the front knee bent and directly over the ankle, slide the rear hand down as you come into the back bend. Don`t overdo this, only go as far as your body will let you.
  • Look up to the front of the fingertips of your raised arm.

That’s it. The warrior poses in a nutshell. Follow along on Instagram for my daily yoga pics!

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