Date night. Do you take the time to do this? Or do you not have any date night ideas? Read on to see why date night is important and 20 fun things you can do!
Why is Date Night important?
With all the the things to do in a day, the craziness of what “a day in the life of” can be, it’s never been more important to stop and have a couple of hours to reconnect. Having a day or an evening that is dedicated to just you & your partner is an awesome thing!
The days (years) roll by, and it seems we are always ‘busy’ now (I’m talking other than general family activities ) with smartphones, tablets, computers, Netflix etc. Sure you sit together, but do you actually talk? Do you interact? Or do you just stare at the screen?
Psychology Today called date night a “Necessity” in a 2017 article on their website. Yes, the article is a couple of years old, but it has a lot of good points in it. Go ahead and give it a read.
What day you choose doesn’t matter, choose what works for your schedule! Our date nights have always been Wednesdays.
A look at our Date Night
Date night for us has been every Wednesday for the last 10 years. It all started with our love for the TV show Survivor. We grab a bottle of wine (red of course), make nachos and then settle in to watch our show! When the show isn’t in season, we’ll usually watch a movie instead.
So, Wednesdays have always been our night to chill out and reconnect. Through an interactive show like survivor, you yell at the screen and take bets on who will get voted out, it makes watching a show fun!!!
After 10 years of nachos & wine, we have switched it up! And we were not even looking to do so! We went out a couple of weeks ago to a friends book launch (here’s an idea not on the list btw) it was super cool!
Before we went to the book launch, we ended up at Brown’s Social House in Spruce Grove. This dinner changed date night for us! OMGoodness the food! And, the dessert (gluten free btw) chocolate brownie with ice cream & caramel drizzle… so good!
Shout out: If you live anywhere in the vicinity of this restaurant (Edmonton, Stony Plain, Spruce Grove), you must go! The food, the people, it is such a great atmosphere. We found a new hangout and yes, we can still make it home in time for Survivor!
20 fun date night ideas
Date night at home, date night out, either way works. Just remember to schedule some time in for yourselves! Here are some fun date night ideas for you and your partner.

Home Date Night Ideas:
Grab a bottle of wine and:
- Dig out the board games… hello Monopoly!
- Get interactive with your fav TV show (hold a fun bet)
- Binge watch Hawaii Life and talk about your dream beach house
- If you’re going to watch Netflix, at least hold hands! (Super corny amiright?)
- Take a walk
- Go on a picnic
- Play Nintendo Mario Kart
- Build with LEGO (everyone has Lego in the house, no?) Lego mixed with wine is super fun!
- Cook a meal TOGETHER
- Watch a sunset from your own home (no beach needed)

We’re going out! Date Night Ideas:
- Go to an arcade (Hello pac-man!)
- Head out to your fav restaurant
- Take dance lessons
- Try a cooking class
- Check out your local museum
- Mini-Golf
- Big time golf
- Go to a midway or amusement park
- Do you have a swimming pool or water-park near by? Hit it up!
- Try something new! Like laser tag, or rock climbing or zip lining or an escape room (endless ideas here).
Spice it up and have some fun. That’s what date night is all about! Here’s a book to get for even more fun date night ideas;

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