Dale Carnegie’s books are making waves, still! He’s got a great story and one I will leave to the books to tell his story, but I will tell you this; His life left a legacy. Dale Carnegie, 1888-1955.

He’s got many books & collaborations out there, this post is going to focus on one of them. Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People is a must read for anyone in sales (which is most of us btw) whether it be sales of products, services or ideas.

This book will give you principles to succeed.

How To Win Friends And Influence People

Last night my husband and I went to our first ever Dale Carnegie Success workshop. WoW. What a cool experience! We met people from all walks of life, but if you’re in his class you all have the same objectives.

Here’s why you need to invest in Dale Carnegie Books and why you need to actually read them (over and over and over again).

Going straight to the why:

I’m going to leave this post to 3 main reasons as to why you should read this book (and Dale Carnegie’s other books).

  • Personal Development,
  • Develop People Skills, and
  • Giving you the tools to do whatever you want to do!

Personal Development

Working on yourself will make you a better person. End of story.

Okay, truthfully it’s a bit more than that and this really is a topic for another day. But you cannot deny that this book is part of personal development and needs to be a part of your personal development plan.

Any time you are looking to gain knowledge on how to become this “better person” you speak of, you will be taking lessons in many areas from how to gain people skills to learning the art of sitting in silence or even starting to exercise.

We are lifelong students of personal development. This is an on going class. It isn’t something that you attend one day and then skip out on the rest of the course. It’s life long learning to becoming that “better person” if you will.

Dale Carnegie’s book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is all about his principles of gaining people skills and going after what you want out of your current job, your desired career or any situation you may find yourself in.

Reading this book should be a part of your personal development plan!

Dale Carnegie's Books

Developing People Skills

Why you might be asking is this important? Working on your people skills is not only important in your professional life, but in your personal life as well. This book will teach you the ins and the outs of people skills.

We humans are complicated! Anything to help develop a skill to better understanding will help on so many levels! We deal with other humans all day (again, thank you social media) and (thank you job). Why not use all the tools to your benefit?

When you can understand people, amazing things will start happening! You will become friendlier as you see things from a different perspective. Here is where you start to become a better person!

Becoming that better person

Well then, isn’t this the end goal of being interested in Personal Development? Becoming that better person mentioned earlier. And yup, it might change you. But this is a GOOD thing!

The biggest takeaway from this book is LISTENING! Listen to others, be interested in others and be honest about it! This will straight away make you a better person.

Dale Carnegie’s principles in this book will help you get there.

Giving you The Tools

This book gives tools so you can do whatever it is you want or need to do!


This is a GUIDE BOOK and will introduce you to simple yet life changing concepts.

Read it over and over and over again.

Each time you will get something different out of it. Dale Carnegie’s books aren’t your average books. They aren’t meant to be read once and put away on the shelf. They are meant to be reviewed and studied continuously.

Keep it near the sofa! This way when you’re tired of commercials (for those of us who don’t have Netflix) read the book! And when your done, read it again.

Dale Carnegie's Books

Dale Carnegie’s other books

There are many! I will share with you the next two on my personal gotta have them list:

How to Stop Worrying and Start Living How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking

Thank you for reading! Bringing you the latest in Beauty, Fitness, Life/Style and the love of books! Be sure to check out our other blog posts and the SHOP! Leave me a comment if you enjoyed this post or if you have ideas for other posts as well. Have an awesome day!

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