Where do I even begin! For one, Tosca Reno helped me a TON and she didn’t even know it (at the time). Her journey into wellness was my inspiration when I got started on my own journey. This is a story for another day, as it also includes my other HUGE roll model in life, my Mom.
I watched her story unfold in Oxygen Magazine in the early 2003 (ish) Most of what I learned to do in the gym came from that sacred magazine, and Tosca’s Eat Clean principles as well! She is, after all, dubbed the Eat Clean Queen.
She truly is an inspiration, and if you haven’t read Tosca’s books, or follow her on Social Media, may I suggest that you do. It might just help you kick that sugar habit, or find where you feel good again! Join her upcoming challenge, it is totally FREE and can change your life!
Tosca Reno fought obesity and fought her way to gracing the stage in fitness competitions, she has faced hard realities & has overcome obstacles. Read her story, Tosca truly is a model of resilience.
AND have I mentioned that she is a New York Times best seller with many books, including The Eat Clean Diet Cookbook: Great Tasting Recipes That Keep You Lean.This is the book my husband caught me with at Chapters the other day lol! Seriously though, I am a bookstore addict, I could live in one I’m sure!
Take the challenge
This is really exciting! Tosca’s has a challenge (starting on MONDAY) which is FREE to join! This is a 5 day Clean Living Challenge which will be all about learning the exact steps to begin cultivating true, lasting wellness in under 5 days! Changing habits, that’s what the tough part is and that is the core of this challenge.
YES, I signed up, and you should too… THIS LINK will take you there! It all STARTS September 9th, be ready to get amazed by this wonderful lady!

I think we can all use some help in checking our clean living and wellness habits! Join in on the fun, I hope to meet you there!
Thank you for reading and keep checking back as we cruise through this journey of life together. Read more! On this blog we chat about it all, beauty, fitness, lifestyle & fun! Coffee, Yoga, Wine, repeat. Catch me on Facebook and Instagram.