It’s time for a yoga challenge!
I follow and participate in a lot of yoga challenges. Through a great yoga challenge, I get to try new poses, remember poses not done too often and I get to experience other yogis styles. Each and every person has their own style when it comes to yoga. But when just starting out, all of it can seem intimidating.

For the month of May I will be hosting my very first yoga challenge. I will be honest, I’m kinda nervous about this. In this challenge I will be breaking down poses and showing their variations. All poses have modified versions from easy to more advanced.
Since I do not have a name for this challenge, let’s just hashtag it as #yogaposevatiations. Sounds kind of fun right?
My mission for this yoga challenge; to make yoga less intimidating and ensuring everyone is comfortable no matter the ability levels.
I myself will not be able to take some of these poses to their advanced level. Why? Because I’m not there yet and I am so cool with that. Yoga is not about how twisted up and pretzly you can get. It’s about moving with your mind and body becoming one. Feeling the moment, being in the moment and enjoying the benefits of this.
Important Note:
If a pose does not feel good, or it hurts. STOP. The whole point of yoga is to feel good and PROGRESS, not to feel pain. You’re either pushing your body too hard OR your body just simply doesn’t want you to do this. Just don’t go there ok? Accept the progress you CAN make and have some fun.
Follow my INSTAGRAM feed for the daily posts… and check out the next blog post for the next few days of pose variations.