It’s not often a product gives back. This product, the Baobab Body Butter from Nu Skin, sure does! And, the best part, it feels and smells AMAZING!

My first try, I was hooked. Just simply opening the lid and the gentle scent oozes our and engulfs your senses. Let’s discover more about the Baobab Tree, as from its fruit is where this product is derived from, and about how this product gives back.

Baobab Tree; the Tree of Life

The Baobab Tree, also known as the Tree of Life. This tree can contain as much as 120 thousand liters of water in its swollen trunk. During dry season in Malawi Africa, this reservoir of water is crucial to its surrounding communities providing water & nourishment.

Imagine, 120 thousand liters of water in one tree. It is no wonder that the tree of life is named as such.

Baobab Body Butter ingredients

This amazing body butter is made from the fruit of the African baobab tree and provides so many benefits. The fruit extract reduces dry skin, improves the skin’s appearance and conditions for long-lasting moisturized skin.

  • Delivers all day moisturizing
  • Contains high level of antioxidants
  • Reduces dry skin
  • Promotes softer, smoother and more toned looking skin
  • Over time, it enhances skin resiliency
  • Conditions naturally with skin beneficial ethnobotanicals
  • Great for all ages

Other ingredients include Shea Butter which enhances the skin’s natural barrier functions and moisturizes, and, Macadamia Nut oil which is high in monounsaturated fatty acids.

The best part, it is not a greasy, or heavy feeling once applied. I have tried butters that sit on the skin, this soaks into it.

To use it, simply apply liberally all over the body. Areas to pay special attention to are the elbows, knees or an other area that may need a little extra love.

Force For Good

We recently got to sit in on a seminar where got to listen to the creator behind the product, and let me tell you, he has a pure passion for people and nature. Because of his passion, this product exists. Now, let’s beyond the goodness of the product and talk about how it gives back.

Every Epoch Baobab Body Butter sale will see a donation of $0.25 go to the Nu Skin Force For Good Foundation for the Malawi Seeds of Hope project. This project focuses on planting and conserving baobab trees in local villages which in turn provides a very special and a very precious resource for the people of Malawi.

In addition to that donation, for every tub of body butter sold, one baobab tree will be planted.

Therefore, your purchase of the Epoch Baobab Body Butter goes far beyond the product itself. You help plant trees and become a Force for Good. You are, a superhero!

The Cost

It is a mere $43.75 (plus shipping) which is incredible for a good body butter. And, Nu Skin offers FREE shipping over a $99 purchase, so why not grab another for your mom or a friend! Get it HERE!

Care for your skin and the world!

Be sure to read my last blog post on metamorphosis! And catch me on Facebook & Instagram. Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

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